hydrangea happiness

the weather has been perfect in northern virginia for the past few days.....amazing. all of my flowers are so happy. i love to garden. i dont really have "a garden", but i have some perennials here and there in our beds.  i couldnt help sharing how pretty our hydrangea is right now....you should have seen this sorry plant last summer. it sat in its pot for about a month before i got it in the ground. i think it died and came back a few times.  but it seems happy now....

i love that when you plant some hydrangeas you are never sure of the exact color they will come up. i think it depends on the acid in the soil.  (see that almost white post in the background? that is our deck...it used to be brown...as we speak it is half white/half brown until we can finish changing it all over to white. stay tuned for a future post on the progress of it. i am pretty sure our neighbors think we are crazy...since we just stained it brown last summer:))

here are some other pretty flowers that i was so happy to see come back! shasta daiseys...

i honestly think lantana is one of my favorite annuals....love it!

when i was taking this photo i remembered another photo we had (you can tell kevin took it). it must be from at least 7 years ago......look at all of those colors in one small flower!

thanks for letting me share. i think this is why i am really starting to like blogging... i can just ramble on about the things i love!


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