holiday decorating in northern virginia- part 1 has been way too long since i posted. i have a good excuse though....i have been playing santas little helper! some of my clients hire me to decorate their homes for christmas and i love doing it. it is a nice change of pace from my normal day to day as a designer and the best part is the instant gratification:)

i have so many photos, so i thought i would break it into a few parts. then hopefully i will show you some of my own house later in the week!

so without further are the photos from one of my amazing clients. we have been working together on and off for over 10 years!! i think this is the 5th or 6th time i have done christmas for her and her lovely family. the best part....she always makes sure i am well fed while i am slinging garland... and this year she sent me home with two dinners...woohoo!

here is the outside....

the foyer (yikes sorry about the shadowy picture...but hopefully you can still see how pretty it is)

here is a closeup of the railing detail....

another small foyer detail...

here are some shots of the dining room...

i had to put this shot in as is another wreath in the kitchen. we were calling it the year of the pregnant wreaths:) these were honestly the fattest boxwood wreaths i have ever seen...the stick out about 12" from the wall....

i hope you enjoyed and are having a nice holiday season!  i will be sure to share more in the next couple of days.



MMS said...

Can you come help me decorate? Pretty pix! Great work!

Jodie Okun Interiors said...

i'll be right over:) thanks so much!