here is what her room looked like when we started...
it was on its way to pretty...but with a few small changes...look at it now.
boy do i need to take better photos...but you get the idea! obviously the furniture placement didnt change...but the walls and some pieces of furniture were painted. we also added the pom poms (ava helped me make them) and the window treatments.
here is a photo of it last fall that my friend desi took when she came over to take my blog photo. the old comforter was on the bed...
thats how you take a photo! i hadnt really "styled" it at the it looks a little messy. nothing like its usual state! (ava takes after her daddy in the cleaning up department)
these next three are some other photos that desi definitely need to go and check out her blog she is a very talented and creative photographer.
here is part of the other side of the room that isnt so photogenic...but ava loves to read in her bean bag chair.
here is a closeup of the back of the book case that we stenciled...
and another little spot...
sometimes ava does clean her room (when i ask) and this is where she takes after her mommy...she makes a list! this is what i found on her bed the other day after i told her to clean cute! is one more shot of the room...just because.
last but not least a photo of the girl who lives in the room...another desi photo. that is paint on her hands:)
ok....i hope you enjoyed! i will try to take some photos of ethans room soon...i re-did that last fall too!