man of many talents

i am talking about my husband. he really is one of those people that is good at whatever he sets out to do...its very annoying! one of his talents is photography...and he is really good at it.  we have many of his photos blown up and framed around the house. i keep thinking i will take pictures of them and blog about it...but i havent. so instead i am going to share a link to his blog that he updates every once in while with beautiful photos.

kevin has taken many photos during our travels while living in italy and he is also very fortunate to travel a lot for work, so he usually brings his "good camera" with him to capture some shots.

here is one of my favorite photos that he took while on a trip to africa....

he has an amazing eye for detail and sees beauty in things i would never think of photographing. if you have a minute check out his blog wont be disappointed!


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