bahrain or bust is official we are moving to bahrain! where is that you ask? it is a tiny island off the coast of saudi arabia:) i have learned more about this country in the past 3 months than i could have ever imagined. my husband works for the government and with his job we have the opportunity to go overseas. we spent 4 years in italy from 2005-2009 and it was amazing. we wanted to go overseas again before the kids get out of elementary school. now that the decision has been made and we have our official orders...we are  excited for the adventure! some of our best friends already live there and have been paving the way for us over the last year.

i am nervous about the change for my business...but i think it is going to be an amazing opportunity to grow and learn about design in a a part of the world i probably would never visit otherwise. i am planning...ahem...on blogging a lot more about my interesting finds over there, our travels and experiences. so i hope you will follow along.

for now here are some pretty pictures that i found on a this blog ...

and one more of a beach in bahrain...

since we found out about moving i realized that there are so many things in our house that i havent blogged about. so i am going to try to show you some of them before we go.

first up is the landscaping in the front of the house. this is what the house looked like when it was first built in the summer of 2009 (the kids were so little!!) and we hadnt moved in yet.

i realize it doesnt look like much....but that was a lot of work a few years ago! my mom came down for a few days and helped me move, remove and plant shrubs. i am so happy with the way it turned out. i wanted those two large laurels on either side of the entry to take away from the ridiculous amount of stairs we have. the two small laurels next to the large ones still need to come up...but they are getting there. i usually add annuals for more color, but not this year because of the move.

so there you have it!  next up.... an interesting built-in shoe/bookcase that my husband made:)


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