Client basement re-do

while we are hunkered down in the hotel here in bahrain, i have been trying to organize my photos. i found some OK quality ones of a basment re-do i finished up this past summer. this basement belongs to one of my all time favorite clients (and i am not just saying this because she reads my blog:))! she is honestly one of the nicest, geniune people i know. on top of that she is so easy to work with...its a good thing because we have been working together for about 12 years?!?!

i know my husband will be twitching when he sees these photos....i still havent mastered the photo taking....and the TV has a kids show on it (ava was with me hiding behind the couch that day:))...and the lamp is on!! however, i am going to show you anyway.

here is the basement before...i know you are cringing michelle:)  4 kids grew up watching TV here and now they are all out of the it was time for an update!

here is the after....

ahhh...much better dont you think? we still need to add some accessories...but thats the easy stuff:) the built-in around the fireplace made a huge difference. now my client even enjoys spending time down much brighter and inviting!!

here is another angle....before

and after....

believe me, i tried to have that "spindle hole" covered up...but i couldnt get someone (read my clients husband) on board with it stayed:) it honeslty doesnt bother me as much now that the basement is finished. so i forgive him:)

here is another angle

my client came up the the brilliant idea for the built-in above the sofa...if you look in the first before photo you can see the wall sticks out a she had her contractor add a half wall with a built in over it! it looks amazing...she is still looking for the perfect piece of art to go over it!

here is a close up of the them.

the colors of the pillows are the most true in this photo than any other of the basement. i hope you can you can tell how really pretty this room looks from these photos.

i am trying to gain momentum here to keep blogging!! so keep reading:)



tozca leather said...

For peace of head, we must resign as general manager on the universe.

Linna said...

What a transformation. It is a completely different room. I really like your choice in interior.