nursery reveal

remember this nursery i was working on? well we have added a few finishing touches and i think we can almost call it done. then a room ever really done? i was able to snap some photos this weekend. i know i am always saying this...but i am no professional photographer and learning how it take photos is definitely on my short list! for now you will have to suffer through these amateur shots:)

i had so much fun working on this nursery because it was for very good friends of ours. i have been lucky enough to spend some quality time with the baby who now occupies the room! first up is a before picture that my friends took. this gives you an idea of how different the room looked before with the dark brown walls. you can also see what they called their baby all during the pregnancy...but when it was game time little jack showed up instead!

here it is after from a similar angle...

i went a little picture are some other views.

here are some closeups of the little details...i love this mobile my client found online, its so sweet.

now a special shout out to the artist in our daughter ava drew the pictures over the crib! my client loves i gave ava creative freedom to draw them any way she wanted and these are what she came up with! i am one proud mama! here is a closeup of my favorite...

and look at these cute little crib critters!

here is the corner next to the crib before we took a trip to homegoods that day.

and here it is after. my friend had to have this was the perfect touch!

i always have mixed emotions when a project is actually finished. i love when my clients are so happy...but i almost miss a room when its done?!?

thanks so much for reading....



gretchen said...

That turned out awesome, I just love it!!! I really thing the mobile is my favorite detail and I totally dig the wall color!! As always...well done!!!

Ambiance Special Events said...

I just love this room, from the color to the arrangement of the photos around the lamp and especially the original pig artwork! You just keep proving why they call YOU. Fabulous darling.

Jodie Okun Interiors said...

thank you! thank you! i love positive keeps me going:)

Anonymous said...

Where are the drapes from? I've been looking for something along those lines...

Jodie Okun Interiors said...

they are actually from pottery barn teen! thanks for visiting!

Anonymous said...

Where is the colorful bin with the diamond pattern from??? It's perfect!

Love the art project from big sis.

Jodie Okun Interiors said...

my friend/client just emailed me this about where she got the diamond patterned bins "I originally found them on Zulilly, but then ended up purchasing them from Amazon. The product is called Perry Ocean Drive by the Macbeth Collection"

i hope that helps! thanks for reading!

Annie Vincent Interiors said...

What a beautiful room! I am sure the client is very happy!

Kiren said...

Jodie - This room is so much more than I could've ever asked for. In fact, it's everything I asked for, and everything I didn't know to ask for. We live in this room around the clock. I love watching his little eyes dart all around, because he loves all the details too!! My only complaint is that this room is so gorgeous it makes the rest of the house look bad. I guess the only solution will be to hire you for the rest of the house! Thank you for all the love AND talent you poured into this room. We love it!!

southernmom said...

Where is the rug from?? Love it

southernmom said...

Where is the rug from? Love it!

Jodie Okun Interiors said...

awww kiren...i think i am blushing! it was my pleasure and so much fun to do! and so happy to know the little man who gets to enjoy it everyday:) xoxo jodie

portable crib bedding said...

The colorful bin with the diamond pattern is so lovely:)